
Things about me.

FX 4 tour live at Timisoara

Adobe has announced the launch of Flash Builder 4 on April, so Adobe user group Timisoara invites all the people who are interesed at West University of Timisoara, room A02, on 10 April from 11:00 AM , where the evanghelist Mihai Corlan will present the new cool features included in the brand new FX 4. If someone wants to come to the event, you can register here. It is no need to bring the ticket with you, we just want to know how many people will come. We will provide free pizza and drinks and maybe some t-shirts.

Blogging from my BlackBerry 8520 Curve

This post is wrote from my BlackBerry phone, so it’s purpose is to test the phone keyboard and the WordPress application for BlackBerry. I use my BlackBerry phone without a data plan for now, but I don’t think I need one, because it works just fine connected to my wifi network. It’s true I can’t use the mail application and the IM application, but I solved this problem by installing 3rd party applications. First of all, the keyboard is very cool, I wrote the text from above very quick and I didn’t made spelling mistakes. This article will be continued after I will discover other new things. So that’s all for now. I noticed that the WordPress application fail to retrieve my categories, so for now this article will be uncategorized.

Hello to everyone!

First of all, happy birthday to me. In a couple of days will be my birthday so i decided to give myself a little present – this web page. Here I will share with you the problems that I encountered in my projects and of course their solution.